Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have to face it, I'm a goal-oriented, deadline-driven person. If given a project with no actual deadline, it will most likely fall behind all of the other projects that are needed by a specific date. And it may possibly never be completed. This has certainly been the case with all of the projects related to my business. I have SO many ideas for great projects, as well as things that absolutely have to be done (like organizing my files). But since I don't treat myself like a client and devote most of my time to billable work (or invoicing), I'm left with a stack of things I'd like to do but no great place to start. I know better than that. And it's time I did something about it.

So rather than let the pile become even more unmanageable, I've decided to set some specific goals both in terms of project scope and deadline. I'm setting aside time each week to learn new techniques, even if I only have a half an hour to devote. Also on my list is an overhaul of my website and blog. I have so many projects/clients I'd like to highlight, but must make my site easier to update or it will never happen. That's a lot to tackle, but it's got to be a priority... or yet again, it will fall through the cracks.

Stay tuned for updates! And perhaps a new site design?

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